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Bypassing The Boomers?

The Behaviour Revolution is declaring that the Baby-Boomers and their successive generations were given the ‘baton of truth’ handed to them by the Ruach through the Key of Knowledge, which is the discovery of the Name of Yahuah by our brother Lew White.

During the last 30 years we have been living through the breaking down of the strongholds of our religious beliefs; changing our mindset by the deliverance of the true knowledge and wisdom from Yahusha.

We have been living in `a collection of knowledge period'. Now the Ruach (just like the cloud in the wilderness) is moving in another direction. We the sheep need to pack up camp and follow the cloud. Knowledge is a deliverance from bondage, however if you keep the sheep penned up, the grass gets trampled and the sheep end up walking around in their own dung, breeding hatred and disease. This is what is happening amongst the Natsarim (baby-boomers) today.

The Baby-Boomers etc have closed the gate of the sheep-pen, however (praise be to Yahusha) the Ruach (cloud) has passed the baton onto greener pastures, to the Behaviour Revolution and more sheep are being born into this movement everyday.

Yahusha wants to reach other generations now and bypass the monuments the Baby-Boomers have set-up for themselves. The Behaviour Revolution finds what previous generations have established to be immensely lacking in character and spirituality. Remember - knowledge can keep you penned up to your own destruction, whereas fresh green grass will keep the sheep alive and healthy. The three rules must be practised for you to receive the bread from heaven (the fresh grass). If you want to receive the `banner of truth' you have to be trained by the Ruach and be prepared to run the race:

HEB 12:1-2 “We too then, having so great a cloud of witnesses all around us, let us lay aside every weight and the sin which so easily entangles us and let us run with endurance the race set before us. Looking to the pricely leader and perfecter of our belief, Yahusha, who for the joy set before Him, endured the stake, having despised the shame and sat down at the right hand of the throne of Yahuah” . . .

Intellectualising Yahusha's Love

"And if I have prophecy, and know all secrets and all knowledge, and if I have all belief, so as to remove mountains, but do not have love, I am none at all......"

Brothers and Sisters, applying the three rules in your life is loving others as Yahusha taught. The other Natsarim love is a fake, because it is of the mind. The love of Yahusha is hidden from those who intellectualise his love with their own imaginations.

Faithfulness to Yahusha through the two rules will bring the revolution of love that Yahusha is looking for from us.

".....And if I give out all my possessions to feed the poor and if I give my body to be burned, but do not have love, I am not profited at all."

Everything must be done in love otherwise we do not truly know love - it is only a figment of our imagination. The word love is so loosely used by Natsarim today, but they have no staying power and their love is not lasting. Real love is a commitment that is unbreakable and is a most serious thing. The three rules will give natsarim the power of creating staying love and will bring great security to the body, but we must exercise the rules to grow in them.

Brothers and Sisters be bold and start practising them now.



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