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Scripture says "check the spirit" - are the people who are saying these teachings, filled with the Ruach? Have the people who wrote these teachings now or ever been filled with the Ruach ha 'Qodesh? This is an easy exercise to research.

Rhonda Renee Albrecht: "I believe that you truly have a messed up interpretation of the Word. YWVH also promised to restore Israel back to her lands, which He did, in 1948 (final culmination of many years' preparation). Ezekiel 37:1-14 is Israel, represented by the valley of the bones. You claim that Israel is the 'whore of Babylon' but you truly do not understand that it is not Israel, today, but rather, Saudi Arabia... You can see this, in the cities named in Ezekiel 38 and 39, which we are seeing being fulfilled, right now! 20 nations are aligning with Saudi Arabia, INCLUDING the US, to go against Russia. They're doing a massive military exercise in the Saudi desert. The burning tar of the desert by the sea is none other than Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia is the nation named in the Bible for the King of the South, with Russia being the King of the North.

YWVH ALSO said that He would restore Israel AND Judah back as one, at the end of Jacob's Trouble. He will do that, as well. As I explained on another of your posts... Just as Jesus blinded Saul, on the road to Damascus, and then lifted those scales so that Paul would acknowledge Him, YWVH has done to the Jews, for the last 2,000 years. YWVH WILL lift those scales, as well. It's not to those Jews that have already acknowledge and accepted Him, as well as Christians who truly have done so, as well, because YWVH promised us that He would keep us OUT of what is to come on the earth, to bring the rebellious, stiff-necked Jews that refuse to accept Him to their knees."

Chris Hilton: Rhonda, you have the mindset of the mixture because you are quoting Scripture completely out of context. Look at verse 12: Therefore prophecy and you shall say to them, 'Thus said the Master Yahuah "See O MY people, I am opening your graves and shall bring you up from your graves and shall bring you into the land of Yisharal. The book of Revelation further finishes the story when the dead are raised and those left on earth alive are taken up to meet the Master in the sky. Then they enter the city and when the fires have finishes on earth, Yahusha replenishes the earth and the New Yerushalayim - the Bride comes down and sits where the temple is now.

Rhonda, what you are describing is the mindset (a vehicle that was developed by the U.N. to deceive the nations, giving them the right to go back to the land before the time), it is a deceit and a confusion. The men who developed this mindset are the Jesuits it is the biggest scandal in history. The interpretation you are speaking is not the anointing of Yahusha and was written by deceivers without the Ruach so it is actually a lie. It is easy by the Spirit to see that these Scriptures are talking about the first resurrection. Just thought I would mention that there is no "W" in Hebrew it is YHUH Yahuah. Rhonda whatever they are doing in Saudie Arabia Yahusha is aware, it is religion, that is "THE BEAST," the false bride rides on. Of course Rhonda you can believe what ever you want but you cannot say to Yahusha that you were never told. Just as the dead in Yahuah are risen so are those in the second resurrection.

By Chris Hilton . . .

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