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For all tables are full of vomit and filthiness, so that there is no place clean. Whom shall he teach knowledge? And whom shall he make to understand doctrine? Them that are weaned from the milk, and drawn from the breasts. For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little: For with stammering lips and another foreign tongue will He speak to this people. To whom He said, 'This is the rest wherewith you may cause the weary to rest - and this is the refreshing': but they would not listen!        WHO'S LISTENING ?


Deliverance Gospel

Time is so very short before Yahusha's return and so we need to be much more cunning and gentle in our approach to using His Word, for so much violence and aggression abounds, and a deep-seated disdain and prejudice for Scripture from the majority (due to religion). Therefore with the stammering lips of this foreign tongue (english) we must fulfill our global-mandate of being Yahusha's Witnesses to the ends of the earth. 

Most of the the men who wrote the Scriptures were not Scholars, University Graduates, or Intellectuals. They were simple, hard-working people who heard Yahusha's voice and wrote it down. How would Yahusha speak if He were walking among us here in the 21st Century? How would He behave? Dress? Present Himself? Robes? Tsits? Sprouting Levitical Torah-Laws and old shadows? Of course not, He barely spoke of such things when He was here 2000 years ago, and when He did it was to direct His listeners to the essence and spiritual truth hidden within each and every chapter and verse ... all pointing to a real active behaviour of His Word, not the quoting of ink and blind liturgy of it all.


The Vein

Yahusha took everything in His Word and summarised them into little bite-size packages of fresh behaviour that people could receive. We call this THE VEIN that runs through the Scriptures from beginning to end ... like an abstract golden thread of light, shining to those in darkness, meeting them where they're at and offering them a way out into Eternal Life.

Yahusha Is Alahim

* Alahim revealed Himself to His Creation as Yahuah the Father.

* Yahuah gave His Living Words of behaviour to His chosen nation.

* Yahuah divorced His adulterous wife, left His Throne & became a man: Yahusha!

* Yahusha is Alahim in the flesh as a New Creation to be our deliverer.

* Yahusha fulfilled all Scriptures and transitioned them into living behaviour.

* Yahusha’s blood is the antidote to make us clean and delivered.

* Yahusha told us our body is the Temple and to pick up our stakes & follow Him.

* Yahusha said HE IS THE DOOR and that He knocks on the door of our hearts.

* Just as the Temple-Ark connected Heaven & Earth (a portal) so can Yahusha.

* There is a Narrow Gate, hard-pressed and very few will find it.

* This Door/Gate is Spiritual and cannot be found anywhere on this earth.

* Only by Yahusha revealing that He is Alahim to someone can they have access.

* Access is through the awareness of our own evil and REPENTANCE to Yahusha.

The Narrow Gate

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Spirit Baptism

* Water Rituals (as John baptised) were a shadow of Yahusha’s Spirit Baptism.

* Through the revelation that Yahusha is Alahim and genuine Repentance :

* We receive a Divine Heart Operation - our old heart is replaced with a new one.

* Into this new, clean heart, Yahusha sows His Spirit (like an incorruptible seed).

* This Spirit-Seed is Yahusha coming into us to sup, transform and prepare us.

* He washes our minds with the water of His Word as He writes it on our hearts.

Fire Baptism

* All Alahim Altars/Tabernacles/Temples were to be cleansed by Divine Fire.

* Our body is the Temple and every part of it must be prepared through burning.

* This CAULDRON EXPERIENCE is Yahusha purifying us (like temple-gold).

* The controlling spirit of our flesh must be removed & our bad habits overcome.

* Our lives are to be sold-over to Yahusha as living sacrifices pleasing to Him.

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The Wilderness

* Yahusha’s true Bride is ready, protected and waiting in the wilderness for 3.5 years.

* Satan and his behaviour cannot filter through the cauldron into this waiting place.

* The Bride has overcome and living His 2 Royal Laws and the Fruits of the Spirit.

* The 3 Rules are also vital scriptural principles to remain in Yahusha’s favour.

Only by accepting Yahusha as Alahim
can we find this Narrow Gate and start becoming delivered through the Vein! 

Anyone who has not experienced the Spirit & Fire Baptisms of Yahusha has
absolutely no authority to speak for Him, as they truly do not know Him!

There are 100's of Scriptures that can
be brought into these little package-
deals of deliverance, however
Yahusha requires us to LIVE HIS WORD,
not simply hurl it around at our whim.

Yahusha has designed THE VEIN to easily explain the process of deliverance to any
 candidate - through death to self and the cauldronic effect of overcoming no one need be confused what's happening
to them at Yahusha's loving hand.

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