Yahusha's Bride
The name 'Israel' (Hebrew -Yisharal) was given to Abraham's grandson Jacob after a wrestling match left him with a limp. This name was passed onto Jacob's sons, who became the 12 Tribes of Israel (the nation that Moses delivered from Egypt and Joshua led back into the Promised land of Canaan). They were Yahuah's special, chosen people, a treasured possession, given the Marriage Covenant at Sinai (Ten Commandments) and became a royal nation of kings and priests, in order to be a shining example of our Creator's loving-kindness in this earth ... the name Israel soon became synonymous with the Promised Land as well as the people living in it.
Instead of being obedient, Yisharal chose to play the whore and fornicate with the surrounding nations, and their idolatrous parties and celebrations became more elaborate and sexually explicit than all of the other nations combined, humiliating not only themselves but also their husband Yahuah, making a mockery of His morality and Instructions. So eventually (after Solomon) Yahuah divorced His chosen people Israel and removed His presence from them (the Ark in the Temple), never to return to man-made dwellings ever again. A time of great darkness transpired, most of the 12 Tribes were taken captive by the Babylonians and Assyrians and scattered all across the world, and the few who returned to the land, were not married to Yahuah, but still pretended to be, establishing their religious Jewish institutions. Zerubbabel, Ezra and Nehemiah built Jerusalem up again before Yahusha appeared, the Jews declared repentance and obedience, which didn’t last long, and they fell back into their old ways of disobedience and arguing again.
Everyone thinks that the Jews today and the nation of Israel (in the middle-east) are the chosen people, which couldn’t be further from the truth. They are divorced, rejected and now a political religion of total confusion, and most of them don't even believe in Yahusha as their Messiah and Deliverer. They are not in Blood-Covenant Relationship and still follow the Pagan Zodiac Calendar Event System, celebrating Xmas, Easter, B'days, Valentines, Halloween etc, which got them booted out of the land and into captivity in the first place. Yet here today the Jews are back in the land claiming promises (that they unrepentantly broke) with no mention of Yahusha, Yahuah, or Covenant Repentance at all. THEY ARE NOT THE BRIDE !
When Yahusha appeared on the scene the Jews were in a deplorable state, still arguing about who is the right-ruling Tribe. All the while, Yahusha completed His mission on earth, did all those amazing things and entered back into heaven in victory over Satan, and the Jews were still arguing as they are today (and will be until He returns). The Messiah had been and gone and they missed Him! Yahusha raised up a New Blood-Covenant (built upon the same instructions) with a NEW BRIDE making her body the Temple, from where He communicates and guides, without man-made traditions or their worship. His New Bride is made up of people from all races and colours and she's been cleansed by the blood of Yahusha and delivered from the power of sin, to walk a New and Living way. Don’t be deceived Brothers and Sisters - ISRAEL IS NOT THE BRIDE OF YAHUSHA.
Cunning lying carpetbaggers are standing in the doorway of entering Yahusha's presence, urging us to walk with them, rather than entering the throne-room boldly, trusting in Yahusha's promise that we will be set free from our sins, if we follow and trust Him. Yahusha came to reveal a NEW COVENANT because the OLD COVENANT never brought anyone to this goal of deliverance. Carpet-baggers have coupled with the Jews, Messianics and Natsarim believers, as they stand in the doorway entrance of the Kingdom of Yahuah, while peddling their works of deceit which are a BLOCK in the true way. They are wanting us to follow them as they re-enter the old and dying covenant of Moses (by way of receiving the SHADOW BELIEFS of the Feasts of Israel) which we already know points to Yahusha's fulfilment at His first and second coming. The Jews already spitefully reject Yahusha as Messiah and His NEW COVENANT OF DELIVERANCE from sin, meaning there is no need for animal-slaughter offerings anymore.
Why would we RE-ENTER shadow beliefs which never brought anyone to the goal of deliverance from sin, through obedience to Yahusha's NEW COVENANT? Yahusha did a new thing with His new Covenant and showed us a new and living way. He revealed that our bodies are now the temple, and we worship Him in spirit and truth through our behaviour, which is the TRUE BEHAVIOUR REVOLUTION.
True rebellion is disobedience to the New Covenant, rejecting Yahusha's Words. Yahusha opened a door/portal into His presence for us through His flesh (the temple veil), where we may communicate and love Him, and also receive instruction.
Upon Yahusha's entrance into the heavenly tent, not made of human hands (not made of this creation), He cancelled the SacrificIal Laws and the Ceremonial Laws. THE TEN COMMANDMENTS AS WELL AS ALL THE TORAH & PROPHETS ARE FULFILLED IN YAHUSHA'S TWO ROYAL LAWS OF LOVE as the foundation of Yahusha's New Covenant. This contradicts many religious doctrines, especially Christianity's Replacement Theology (the ridiculous notion that Israel has been replaced by the Church as the Bride). Christianity has as much claim to Israel's eternal inheritance as the Jews do, for both have pushed aside Yahusha's Divine Laws for demonic sun-worship and idolatrous tradition, placing them as far more important. And because the masses are all doing it, how can they all be wrong? Religion comes from Babylon and is void of Yahusha's presence, infact it's actually crumbling from the inside as we speak. Yahusha will not be mocked and He's returning soon to receive His spotless Bride who's been preparing, anticipating and expecting Him ...