Christopher HiltonMay 29CONVERSATION Brothers and Sisters, we were discussing `staying in the conversation' and we got a Scripture from Yahusha that says 'how many thoughts...
Victoria HiltonMay 25THE SELF[ THE SELF ] HEBREW UNDERSTANDING for "Self": 377 Ish - A MAN: act in a manly way:--show (one) self a man. self-...
Mark DavidsonMay 24YAHUSHA ALAHIM IS THE DOORSTRONG’S HEBREW LEXICON: Search results for “DOOR”: 520 Ammah - A MOTHER (i.e. unit of measure, or the fore-arm below the elbow), i.e. a...
Mark DavidsonMay 23TRAINED BY IT !“And indeed no discipline seems pleasant at the time (but grievous) yet afterwards if brings forth the peaceable fruits of righteousness...
Therase PompeiMay 23CONTEMPT / DESPISESTRONGS HEBREW LEXICON Search results for Contempt 939 Buwzah - Something Scorned; An Object Of Contempt:--Despised. 963 Bizzayown...
Mark DavidsonMay 22LOOKING FOR THE FRESHSTRONG’S HEBREW LEXICON Search results for "LOOK": 975 Bakan - KEEPING A LOOK-OUT, a watch-tower:--tower. 995 Bin - TO SEPARATE...
Mark DavidsonMay 17FRUIT OF YAHUSHA'S SPIRIT...STRONG’S HEBREW LEXICON Search results for “FRUIT”: 🍇🍉🍌🍋🍎🍍🥥🥝 003 Eb - A GREEN PLANT, greenness, fruit. 669 Ephrayim -...