Behaviours of Abomination
Most of the Commandments are self-explanatory i.e. stealing, murder, coveting, breaking wedlock, lying and respecting parents, but the issue of Idolatry (spiritual adultery) and casting our Creator Yahuah’s Name to ruin seems to be somewhat of a grey area. People think that just because THEY think certain names and festivals are acceptable, it means that Yahusha does too - when He doesn’t! It is actually IDENTITY THEFT and Scripture tells us that Yahusha hates the idol worship of the nations and commands us not to worship Him that way. We are not even to let the names of pagan idols come off our lips, that’s how much He hates Satan's identity-theft, because he is behind every form of replacement and counterfeit festival and name promoted in modern religions and bibles.
The Bride understands that every word in this chart (on the left) is either a direct replacement or comes from the name of a pagan idol, which Yahusha hates. EVERY IDOL HAS AN UNCLEAN SPIRIT BEHIND IT and ultimately it is the enemy seeking to steal the worship from Yahusha through whatever means, because Satan knows that humans are the servant of the one whose name they call upon and are obedient too. Can you see how deceived the whole world really is? Many think they are worshipping the Creator but infact they are serving Satan, the dragon!
We also need to stop observing all festivals and celebrations that are of Babylonian-Sun-Worship-Origin, for we are commanded in Scripture to not go anywhere near them: BIRTHDAYS, XMAS, EASTER, VALENTINES, MOTHERS/FATHERS DAY, HALLOWEEN, ST PATRICKS etc FOR THESE ARE ALL WITCHCRAFT (Satanic Worship). To partake of ANY part of these celebrations (even just a bit) is to partake fully. Our behaviour is our worship and if we are doing any of these practices above it is spiritual adultery in the eyes of Yahusha and He hates it when His Bride behaves like a whore, giving her adoration and affection to an enemy and festivals He hates . . . because she is breaking her Marriage Covenant (Ten Commandments) . . .
The word "BIBLE" comes from the deity called "BYBLOS" and this should not be on the front of the Scriptures or the word "HOLY," This word comes from India and is part of their trinity worship (a disgusting festival which is televised every year). As you can see religion is totally disobedient to Yahusha for they reject His Instruction and prefer to paganise the Scripture, mixing the truth with lies into a big swill of confusion. It is easy to see that our world is riddled with the sin of pagan worship and we are stuck in the grips of Satan's mindset. The only way out is to repent, be immersed and and follow Yahusha's Instruction. You cannot just change your mind, it must be washed in the cleansing blood of Yahusha's sacrifice and the water of His word.
It's a real shock to discover where our favourite family gatherings originally came from and just how evil they are. "O' we're not religious, we don't get into all that stuff, it's just a lovely family day - it doesn't mean that to us" they say. But those excuses don't fly with Yahusha. What he loves we must learn to love and what He hates (and finds abominable), we must do the same. Our whole mind, heart, being and lifestyle is to be completely sold over to Him, for He wants to inhabit and use our bodies as vessels of light in this world, therefore anything idolatrous and unclean (erotica, pornography, masturbation, sodomy, oral-sex, flirting, immodest seductive clothing etc) separates us from His presence and ensnares us in the clutches of the enemy, who also wants to live his depravity through our bodies. So there is a battle going on inside us between our flesh and our spirit, but Yahusha says that the Spirit He's placed within us is stronger than the world, and we too can overcome it.