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Five-Fold Ministry & Real Worship.

We all have come out of the mixture as “Scripture Quoters” and not “Context Quoters”. We are so used to having Scriptures thrown at us that are always out of context and we have done the same trying to prove our points. This is not dividing the Living Word correctly.

In Matt 23 Yahusha is speaking to the throngs and His Talmidim talking to them about the Scribes and the Prushim - that they sit in the seat of Mushah, therefore whatever they say to you to guard, guard and do. But do not do according to their works, for they say and do not do.

Because of this behaviour and much more as is described in this chapter, if we call ourselves Rabbi, Father or Master (A) we will have to behave like them and (B) we will have the same ending. Read on and see the rest in proper context and you will see how our minds have been trapped in their lies. Remember we are being delivered at His pace.

In Ephesians chapter 4 it says. ”Until we come to the unity of the belief and the knowledge of the Son of Yahuah, to a perfect man, to the measure of the stature of the completeness of Mashiak". Read the rest of the chapter to gain the context completely.

If Yahusha calls a group of people out then He will supply some of the ministries until the

people called have received enough information to walk with Yahusha in their relationship. When everyone has grown to where they are walking with Yahusha and everyone has the same knowledge, then their is no real need for these ministries anymore.

Yahusha wants all His followers equal with each other. So if you read Scripture in the right context you will have the knowledge to speak the Living Word in truth instead of a letter. Remembering that context is different to memory verses to be thrown at each other to win a point. This is not using Scripture in context as it was meant for. Always look for the context and it will not take you long to understand.

If you look at Scripture with the mixture mindset you will not find the truth it is only if you are immersed into Yahusha then can you see in context and you will have this key and door to His knowledge & wisdom.

Is Yahusha worried about you and the church ministries? NO. The way Christians have flooded the airwaves of the people of the nations with their doctrines is totally out of context and they are like drunken on the wine of the great whore.

Never worry Yahusha will never leave you or forsake you.

Jer 29:13 And ye shall seek Me, and find Me, when ye shall search for Me with all your heart...

See this is what I mean about using Scripture out of context.

This behaviour which you see is singing or praising ............

This behaviour is not worship !! .............

These innocents have been told that this is how you are to worship ........

If this is the only way a person can worship they are stifled from all creativity............

Worship is obedience to Turah within our personal walk, hearing His voice through the Ruach directing our every step............

Seeking His obedience in every thought is creative worship and totally effective to how Yahusha wants us to worship Him.........

Our worship is our obedience & the way we will find him as we seek obedience to his word in all circumstances........

This is truely how to find the context of this scripture. The sad thing is that these young people can be killed for doing this behaviour especially in a muslim country or by those who just hate Christians. This is the behaviour of careless people who don’t care for the truth but would rather spread their false religion. There is no love in this..........