"TABLES": Acts 6:2 - so the twelve summoned the group of the Talmidim and said "it is not pleasing for us to leave the word of Alahim and serve tables" . . .
Read all the recommended Scriptures to get the full concept and understanding:
1. (strongs) 5132 - Matt 15:24 - Mark 7:28 (a dining table) - Luke 16:21 and verse 30 (this is amazing) - Heb 9:2 (the table is called the `set-apart place' - Acts 16:34 - Rom 11:9 (their table can be a snare, a trap, a stumbling block and a recompense to them) - 1Kor10:21 (tells us of the two tables) - The table of demons is connected to their sacrifice - Matt 21:12 - Mark 11:15 - John 2:15 (a money changers table) - Luke 19:23 (a bank) . By metonymy for the distribution of money (Acts 6:2).
2. Plax 4109 - Primarily denotes anything "flat and broad" hence " a flat stone or tablet" 2Kor3:3 (wonderful scripture explaining who we are), hence Heb 9:4. 'Metonymy' is the substitution of a word referring to AN ATTITUDE for the thing that is meant e.g the crown, used to refer to the monarch i.e
So the table refers to our service which is our worship to Yahusha:
Rom 12:1 "I call upon you therefore brothers through the compassion of Yahuah, to present your bodies a living offering - set apart, well pleasing to Yahuah - your reasonable worship”.
The Scripture above is pointing us into the direction Yahusha wants all believers to travel. Our worship to Yahuah is done in the tabernacle of our bodies -
The Ten Commandments are our foundation and Covenant of Love between Yahusha and ourselves. OUR SERVICE IS HOW WE ACTUALLY PERFORM THE INSTRUCTIONS (SCRIPTURE) THROUGH OUR BEHAVIOUR. The body becomes a living sacrifice.
The Behaviour Revolution with it's three rules are actually Scripture:
LET EVERY HAVE IT - is the Scripture "always think of others greater than yourself" and it's sister rule DON'T TAKE ANYTHING PERSONALLY - is the Scripture "be offended at nothing". Then there's the side-dish DO NOT MAKE EXCUSES .
2 Tim 2:5 tell us "and if anyone competes in a game, he is not crowned unless he competes according to the rules". The two rules will help highlight every Scripture so that our behaviour can be exemplary according to the Word . . .
Stephanos from his obedience (worship) burnt up the sacrifice of his life in service to Yahuah: Acts 6:8 "And Stephanos, filled with the belief and power, did great wonders and signs among the people”.
Through service the gifts manifest, they were unable to resist the wisdom of Stephanos. Knowledge of Scripture and practical experience of the Behaviour Revolution is going to bring fire down from heaven. Just as AliYahu was used to destroy the prophets of Baal and Asherah in front of Yisharal, so too will fire consume those coming against the Behaviour Revolution. People who say they have qualifications but do not bear the fruit (behaviour) required for revolutionary conduct are really eating from the wrong table.
Remember the weeds (Darnel) look like, act and speak like Revolutionaries but do not manifest the required Behaviour. You cannot know this experience unless your worship is real. Messianics and Natsarim need to take a real look at their behaviour before Yahusha and qualify themselves.
A new movement is happening in the Ruach;
(which has at it's centre - how to love)

( or "you can't mess around with Yahusha" )
The Behaviour Revolution does not accept any form (even the subtlest suggestion) of a hierarchical movement within the believers.
The Revolution does not accept any worldly or religious qualification as giving a person seniority or position ( i.e calling yourself a Rabbi, Teacher, Priest, Pastor etc).
The Revolution does not accept any person declaring that they have spiritual gifts but are not known among those in the Revolution.
Applying the Three Rules qualifies a person in the Behaviour Revolution to "wait on tables". Over time as a believer serves Yahusha's body, the Ruach will manifest gifts in a person. We do not make it happen through our own words or deeds. The gifts will become obvious amongst the believers of the Revolution through behaving Turah, which manifests the loving-kindness of our wonderful Redeemer Yahusha Ha'Mashiak.
Those in the Revolution who have been practicing the three rules for the last few years have been walking the path of righteousness and will have the character of Mashiak manifesting in their Behaviour. If you have not walked this path you will not understand the Revolution and cannot be qualified by Mashiak until you are willing to do so.
(ACTS 5:9-10 - When Kananyah and Shappirah conceived a deed and had lied to Alahim). Verse 9 says "So Kefa said to her 'why have you agreed to try the Ruach of Yahuah? Look, the feet of those who have buried your husband are at the door and they shall carry you out'. And immediately she fell at His feet and breathed her last. And the young men came in and found her dead and carried her out. They buried her beside her husband".
The Revolution is a very dangerous thing to enter if you will hide something from Yahusha! But Oh` what joy it is to be in the body having our characters moulded for eternity. What does the Scripture say about you if you are not willing to be obedient???
Yahusha is calling His Bride to the Revolution of Behaviour. My wife Victoria said this is very frightening. You can see whether people are doing the rules or not. If you are upset about the Revolution in Behaviour through the Two rules (which encompass every Scripture) it is best to come out of those emotions and into the Revolution; come out of the bondage of worldly positions, rank and academia.
Yahusha revealed the Pharisees and Sadducees for who they really were, and He did it very clearly and colloquially so everyone could understand and not get ensnared by the broods of vipers who were drawing attention to themselves and putting people into bondage around the doorway instead of making it plain and simple (making it easy for people to find the door and walk through onto the pathway of deliverance . . .