Prepping For Doom?
Everyone is saying build bunkers, store food, do the survival courses, etc ,etc. Did you know that this has been going on since the 60's? The talks then were of giant tidal waves and earth quakes to hit Sydney Australia.
Beloved Brothers and Sisters what do we do with Scriptures that say (like Luke 17:26-28) everything will still be trudging along on the day of His Second coming? It will be a day of surprise because there is no warning and no rapture. Also have you thought of the amount of power that it is going to take to destroy what man has built, in only just one day? If we are not supernaturally protected, that fire will just tear us to pieces. We are told we will see the faces of those around us just blow up from the fire. INSTEAD OF STORING THINGS IN BUNKERS ETC WE NEED TO BE STORING THE PRECIOUS WORD IN OUR HEARTS SO THAT HIS LOVING PROTECTION WILL BEAM OUT OF US AS LIGHT. This is called His love and is our protection from the fire. Many say "the rapture, the rapture", but we will be here when the fire comes and it is our behaviour towards the lost that brings the light of His love to envelope us in His protection.