Cult of Personalities.
Brothers and Sisters are you still being taught by “Cult of Personalities” the World? When we read Yahusha’s words, Yahusha tells His taught ones they are the Light of the world. Was Yahusha speaking to their own dialect or to their own understanding? Or was Yahusha referring to the Offering in which His taught ones had accepted? (John 8). We now know that through the many years of darkened teachings, of the one who had stolen Yahuah’s word (shatan), and making Yahuah’s words his own (through teachers who had hidden Yahusha/Yahuah’s name for titles such as g.o.d, l.o.r.d, and names that are simply epithets like “Christ”) was all to subvert the loving DELIVERANCE YAHUSHA PROVIDED to His own THEN and for those who love Him NOW. How wonderfully delightful to know how HE has not changed!
Brothers and Sisters, do you still remain in a “cult of personalities”? When reading Yahusha’s words are you reading them to Hear His instructions (Turah) as one that loves Him or, are you reading His instructions and thinking upon the voices of the many teachers which speak not to the authority of Yahusha’s word or Yahusha Himself but that speak to the authority of their own Behaviours? They make themselves an instructor of Ruach matters and of the Behaviour of Turah yet remain fleshly. They speak over the way of the ONLY VOICE we all need to hear for the deliverance which overcomes this Filthy world, YAHUSHA.
For when we answer the Door, which Yahusha opens, we are not saying to one another “who is this Yahusha?”, for He comes in and makes our Dwelling His own. The cleaning of course begins with an initial cleaning immersion/circumcision but the cleaning does not stop there! Lovingly, Yahusha wants us to keep the dwelling tidy, just as He told His taught ones to go and prepare the upper room. As with those in the upper room, we see clearly those who had received the floggings of Yahusha and lovingly accepted His Disciplines of Behaviour and then the one who refused Yahusha’s Floggings denying the Discipline of Behaviour (TURAH).
Lovingly, we either accept the justification and healing of His floggings (according to His offering) now, or we continue to experience the judgment of His floggings along with the “cults of Personalities” now.
By Shawn Stroeber . . .