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What Is Considered Good ?


THIS IS WHAT OUR SOCIETY CONSIDERS GOOD. Here are listings with philosophers (the so called intelligencia etc), making quotes, but the last sentence gives a glimpse of what our peers believe just what Good is!

By Chris Hilton . . .

Christianity and what is GOOD forever Introduction To What Should Be Considered To Be GOOD

Proven benefits determines goodness The study and discussion of Christianity and other religions or various matters may be interesting, but it may not be very good or beneficial. It can be like the study of medicine: one can learn a lot of interesting bits of information, but until it is applied to one’s body or used to promote good health or to heal someone from a disease or injury, it may not be very good.

Until the insights and knowledge that is gained from the study of Christianity or another matter of interest is applied to one’s life through his/her beliefs and attitudes and decisive behavior, it will probably not be of much benefit to the student or individual. Of course, most of us have a tendency to apply or to use something of seeming value in our lives without thoroughly testing its assumed benefits. If something looks good, appears to be safe, promises to deliver some desired benefit or pleasure, most of us will probably give it a try.

But popularity does not make something GOOD

A serious problem can become evident in this process when one recognizes that in the study of religion, philosophy, science, history, and merchandising a lot of people have been wrong about some of the benefits and even the factual accuracy of some of the religious doctrines, theories, observations, propositions, and products that they have accepted for themselves and promoted among others. Just because something has been cited on the first page of Digg or is liked by a lot of people on Facebook does not mean that it is good. There are a whole lot of statements about natural phenomena that were given valued status in various ancient cultures, such as those regarding the worship of sun and moon gods, the flatness of the earth, and the beliefs and practies of even some recent historic political philosophy like that of communism that are no longer considered to be either true or beneficial.

Threats to GOODness

There is another persistent problem in regard to the consideration of what is good, and that is that these religions, philosophies, political organizations, plans, and products are subject to pollution, corruption, spoilage, and breakdown. Good clean air and water do not stay that way forever on earth. They are subject to pollution. Good nutritious food, like fruit and meat, can quickly spoil if not properly handled. Even the best good medicine may have some unpleasant side-effects, and good clean children can get dirty and somewhat less than good in a relatively short time. We all live in a corrupting enviornment that is much less than good. It is our world in which we are all sinners.

GOODness is determined by what lasts forever

So popular use and marketing strategies cannot be the ultimate guarantee for any of the claimed benefits or goodness of any religion, philosophy, political plan, civil law, personal course of action, or commercial product. And the period for testing must be more than just a few years or even a decade. Centuries may not be enough time to test the goodness of some very appealing and persistent religions, philosophies, political systems, personal actions, and products.

My objective in this website is to present some statements, including some regarding Christianity, and other matters that should have ultimate benefit or the quality of being GOOD in respect to forever, not just one’s lifetime or centuries of culture and tradition. Being human, I will not claim to be perfect, but I will try to be helpful and logical. I sincerely welcome feedback, questions or comments, but I may not enter into lengthy debates or arguments regarding these statements. Everyone ultimately has to decide for him or herself what is of value, what is GOOD, in his or her life. May you receive a blessing as you consider these statements and the cited resources.

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