Do you have those eyes that can detect the unscriptural and worldliness which is called "The Mixture?" One of my favourite texts I put to worldly behaviours and words is 2 Tim 2:4, "No one serving as a soldier gets involved in the affairs of this life" - What are "THE AFFAIRS OF THIS LIFE?" - is the question I always ask myself, which helps me discern to stay out of worldly business. Then I make no comment on someones post or conversation. This is one of my best guides to stay in the "TORAH ZONE." A lot of people disagree with this Scripture but when you check it in context, it is easy to discern the truth. Yahusha wants us to stay out of worldly affairs. Many are disobedient and caught up in the addiction of the rush, drama and excitement of the daily news, Facebook, the Internet and the way it is presented -
By Chris Hilton . . .