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The Will of Yahuah.


The sacred name of the Father is Yahuah. The Father has given us His personal name, but the enemy has caused Christians to use trite terms such as “Lord” and “God,” which pagan gods are also called.

Over 100 times from Genesis to Revelation in the original Hebrew text, Scripture defines that the faithful followers are to “call upon the name of Yahuah.”

The emphasis from His holy Word is that His faithful are to proclaim the true sacred name of Yahuah, the Most High, which is spelled from right to left in Hebrew as יהוה

When transliterated into English it is then read from left to right as YHUH, and is spelled and pronounced as Yah-oo-ah. The Father’s Name is made up of the four Consonants:

Yahuah Hebrew name for the FatherY (Yod) H (Hay) U (Uau)/[Waw] H (Hay) If we add them all together, we get Yahuah, Yah-hoo-ah.

The sacred name of the Son is Yahusha, which means Yahuah is Salvation.

Our Messiah was a Hebrew of the tribe of Yahudah/Judah, so He had a Hebrew name.

Yahusha means Yahuah saves

Jesus is the modern English translation of His name, but there are two major problems with that name.

First, there was no letter “J” or its phonetic sound in the Hebrew language.

Second, the name Jesus does not translate into “The Father Saves” as does His Hebrew name, rather the name Jesus points to the pagan God Zeus instead, as it ends in us.

Jesus is an English name, so there is no way that our Messiah was ever called Jesus.

The Father and His parents gave Him the Hebrew name, Yahusha, which means the Father, Yahuah, Saves.

And when you consider that the letter ‘J’ was not added to the English alphabet until 400 years ago, then we know that no Christian called him Jesus before 1600 A.D.

The modern name ‘Jesus’ was not used in the original 1611 King James Version of the Bible. Matthew 1:1 reads “The booke of the generation of Iesus Christ, the sonne of Dauid, the sonne of Abraham.“

We’ve presented the true names above. Below are other names which people use which are not valid.

Jehovah cannot be the Father’s name, because there is no letter “J” in Hebrew.

There was no letter “J” or its phonetic sound in the Hebrew language, so Jehovah is invalid.

Yahweh cannot be the Father’s name, because there is no letter “W” in Hebrew.

The shape and sound of our modern “W” is not the same as the Hebrew letter “U”, although the Hebrew is the origin of the letter UPSILON – Y – deriving from the Paleo-Hebrew letter having the same shape and sound.

The Hebrew letter UAU (Waw) (Y) is the source of our modern sound “U”.

The letter “W” did not exist until it first appeared in certain words as a UU (double – U) during the 14th century. “water” was originally spelled “vvater”.

The name Yeshua removed the fathers name ‘Yah’ from the true name Yahusha.

Many in the Hebrew Roots movement use the name Yeshua, as that is the Modern Hebrew name today.

By doing so, they ignore that “Yeshua” does not embody the name “Yah”. “Ye” means “he” and is passive and does not directly identify YAHUAH by name.

Yeshua and Yehoshua and Yehovah are attempts to not use, write, or pronounce the name of Yah, because some proclaim that we should not use the covenant name in written or oral form.

These names remove Yahuah’s name thereby failing the scriptural test concerning the requirement to express “Yahuah is our savior”.

Messiah's name is Yahusha, not Yeshua or Yahushua

Shua does not mean salvation, so Yahshua and Yahushua are invalid.

The word ‘shua‘ represents someone crying, and none of the usages are written about the Messiah. The name would represent that ‘Yah is crying out‘.

However, Yahusha carries the root of ‘sha’ (yasha) which means salvation, thus making Yahusha mean ‘Yah is Salvation!’.

Some teach that Messiah’s name is “Yahushua” with two Hebrew letter “waws” as representing “two nails” within His hands “on a cross”. However, “Yahushua” is a feminine, not masculine term.

Yahusha is the most accurate name-form for our masculine Messiah, the right arm of Yahuah who saves.

By Lew White . . .

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