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Today there are hundreds of different types of immersions adding to the confusion of what Messiah Messiah told us what to do. It is a global epidemic at the moment to experience different types of IMMERSIONS.

Here, below, is the instruction of behaviour, of how to immerse.

Acts 2:38 Repent and let each one of you be immersed in the name of Yahusha Mashiak (Messiah) for the forgiveness of sins. And you shall receive the gift of the Ruach ha "Qodesh ( The Set-Apart Spirit in English, not "Holy Spirit"). This is called an "IMMERSION not a Baptism." ............................................................................................................

The instruction is to Repent, Immerse for the forgiveness of your sins ,then "SHALL" you receive the Set-Apart Spirit. ............................................................................................................

REPENT: Means you have a certain attitude towards your immersion. IMMERSION means believing your sins will be forgiven,you then can receive the Ruach ha "Qodesh. ............................................................................................................

Ask yourself if you have not done your immersion through the above instruction. Have you really been obedient to the word, are you really in the reign of Yahusha & part of His bride. ............................................................................................................

NO WONDER SO MANY ARE CONFUSED, IT IS CERTAINLY THE TIME WHERE WE NEED NOT DALLY BUT HASTEN TO ENTER. ................................................................................................