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Result of search for "6593": 6593 pishteh pish-teh' from the same as 6580 as in the sense of comminuting; linen (i.e. the thread, as carded):--flax, linen. 6594 pishtah pish-taw' feminine of 6593; flax; by implication, a wick:--flax, tow. Result of search for "tow": 5296 n`oreth neh-o'-reth from 5287; something shaken out, i.e. tow (as the refuse of flax):--tow. 6594 pishtah pish-taw' feminine of 6593; flax; by implication, a wick:--flax, tow.8305 sriyqah ser-ee-kaw' from the same as 8321 in the original sense of piercing; hetchelling (or combing flax), i.e. (concretely) tow (by extension, linen cloth):--fine.8441 tow`ebah to-ay-baw' or tonebah {to-ay-baw'}; feminine active participle of 8581; properly, something disgusting (morally), i.e. (as noun) an abhorrence; especially idolatry or (concretely) an idol:-- abominable (custom, thing), abomination.8442 tow`ah to-aw' feminine active participle of 8582; mistake, i.e. (morally) impiety, or (political) injury:--error, hinder.8443 tow`aphah to-aw-faw' from 3286; (only in plural collective) weariness, i.e. (by implication) toil (treasure so obtained) or speed:--plenty, strength. What does tow mean in the Bible? as the refuse of flax


Flax was the most important plant fiber in Bible times because it was used to make linen. All clothing was made either of linen or wool. The scientific name of flax is Linum usitatissimum. ... Usitatissimum means "most useful," a suitable appellation for a plant used for both food and fiber.

How do you make a cotton wick? I used:the plain cotton string.cotton string soaked in vegetable oil.cotton string + salt: I covered the cotton strings with water and added 1 tbsp salt, brought it to a boil, then let the DIY candle wicks dry overnight. Salt stiffens the candle wicks. as the refuse of flax.


When we investigate the making of the flaxen linen wicks for our lamps, we see the massive process the flax goes through to become our wick. The flax seeds are planted, grown, and then harvested, all in accordance to timing of the seasons. Flax seeds are most nutritious and healthy for the body, they can be ground to a meal and crushed to make oil, also to make linen.

Making of linen and wicks, goes through a piercing and a Hetchelling process (Google these videos), what is left over is called a "tow" which is what the wicks are made from. This "tow" such then goes through another process of plating and twisting with other additives, then boiled in salt and dried out, to be stiffened. If these processes are not followed the oil cannot travel up the wick to ignite the flame to give light.

When the ten virgins were told to wake up to meet the bridegroom, the very first thing they did was to trim their lamps so the oil would flow up the wick and ignite their light. Those who had not prepared extra oil, their lamps went out. The process the flax goes through is like our lives in Yahusha, as He teaches us to overcome the world within us, with floggings, goadings, rebuking, and discipline, to come into His peace. How could we give the oil of our precious experience to the unwise, it is impossible, if they were unprepared (disobedient) He will say I never knew you.

The word "TOW" has also been used to describe an abomination, and idolatry. There are only two ways to walk His path obedient or disobedient, brothers and sisters use The 3 Rules to check your own behaviour so you won't be snared into an unwise situation. Remember Yahusha went through the piercing and hatchling process before us.


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