Welcome To The Revolution.
Yahuah is the Key of Knowledge and Yahusha is the open door.
If you do not want to receive this but wish to argue all the Scriptural Points we happily refer you to TORAH INSTITUTE @www.fossilizedcustoms.com where you can make known your argument to Lew White himself, who has the BEST TEACHING available in the world.
The BEHAVIOUR REVOLUTION deals mainly with the REAL PRACTICAL EXPERIENCES from Turah using these three rules as our foundation of behaviour:
1. Let Everyone Have It
2. Do Not Take Anything Personally
3. Do Not Make Excuses
Once applied these three rules manifest our behaviour towards Yahuah's Word and reveal the unclean in ourselves i.e. the spots and wrinkles. The unclean which is revealed to us needs to die. We actually have to put off the problem which causes unclean behaviour. This is called `OVERCOMING'. Of course teaching us to manifest Turah through our members is the loving-kindness of Yahusha and the achieved goal of all Natsarim.
While many scholastic bodies or groups (circus` & churches) of knowledge are being formed as we speak, we have no desire to forsake the liberty given us by the Ruach, to be dominated by this unseemliness . . .
Brothers & Sisters what’s going on with the continual Facebook posting going on and on? No one is listening to anyone else much – most are too busy trying to convert each other with their KNOWLEDGE.
The Knowledge Revolution is now making the sheep diseased and WITHOUT LOVE . . . It is time for a change!
The Behaviour Revolution is hitting the globe. Everyone is talking about the three rules but are only putting their big toe in to test the temperature, and YES if we DIVE IN we are going to burn up, BURN UP THE SELF in this new behaviour. After all we are told to die to self because it is unclean.
DIVE IN and die to yourself and see THE NEW THING Yahusha is doing through the thre rules:
It must be your own personal experience to find out what is on the other side for yourself. The `waiting on tables’ (our worship) brings forth the gifts of the Ruach.
Brothers and Sisters watch those closest to you, but always have love and forgiveness in your pocket, otherwise their unrepentant nature can devastate you. Their arrogant defiance in your face to their own sin can overwhelm you. Their hidden rudeness and hatred (they think you can’t see it), manifests in declarations to others, of themselves being qodesh. When they leave you as a dirty rag never worry or let yourself be in despair for Yahusha says to rejoice in such persecution.
Yahusha loves us and is sharing with us how he was treated and with His Ruach we can overcome all obstacles. Our behaviour in these situations is the gold within us, the sparkling gems that mean so much to Yahusha.
Brothers and Sisters this is the “Natsarim Revolution” - Applying the three rules in these circumstances will always reveal the unclean’s behaviour in those around you.
By using the three rules in all situations you will grow to understand the power of the revolution. If you do not apply the rules the unclean will eventually overcome you and destroy you.
Chris & Victoria Hilton