One point of interest - Yisharal the Bride was divorced because she mixed Turah with the festivals of the surrounding nations and used them to worship Yahuah. Worshipping Yahuah through other deities is an abomination. So He divorced His Bride and punished her by scattering her into the nations.
Turah teaches that a woman cannot re-marry until her husband dies. Yahuah sent a remnant back to Yerushalayim so Messiah could come to earth (Yahuah in the flesh as Yahusha), to die for His Bride so she could re-marry him again when He raised from the dead.
Over the centuries Yahuah has been gathering those who "would" see and repent for their abominations. They (His precious Bride) are asleep and awaiting to be risen from the dead to meet Him (their beloved), in the sky on His return. This is the reason He is coming back to receive those who believed in His love. TODAY YAHUSHA IS SEEKING THOSE LEFT OF THE GENERATIONS ON EARTH WHO WILL REPENT OF THE MIXTURE (i.e. Christmas, Easter, Birthdays, Valentines Day and all the others). THESE ARE ABOMINATIONS! Yahusha is watching for those who understand and will cast the mixture off and out of their lives - who will come into Covenant, Shabaths and the Feasts.
This is the choice Messiah's Bride will make, in spite of religious teachings and people who claim to be His people and His Bride - using old prophetic Scriptures that have already been fulfilled. Messiah has dealt with His former Bride, she did not come back from her scattering with a repentant attitude and a longing desire to please her husband by being engrossed in Covenant with His abundant love.
Instead you can see above how Israel is performing to the nations as a hollywood whore, enticing whoever to her bed. No, the Jews with their religious confusions (teachings), have not come back to the land with a repentant attitude and behaviour, but instead are manifesting as the harlot of old.
Messiah is not interested in such a bride but is seeking those who will choose Him because of the sacrifice of His love to her - those who understand and will overcome this world and all it's attractions to be with Him. Yahusha said "Go out into the highways and the by-ways and bid whoever to the wedding feast because the invited guests are too busy with their own lives".
Which bride do you belong to my Brothers and Sisters ???
By Chris Hilton . . .