Here is an Australian artist aged 61 who has just died, he is talking about the transcendent. It all sounds plausible, but when you really listen quite ridiculous. Bill has not even searched out what had happened to him, it is easy to see from my 69 years that Yahusha had been giving him a regular visitation.
Obviously Bill just explained it away & said you need to learn to draw to experience this transcendence. Well drawing is not everyones bag Bill, and I am quite sure the Master would not limit the experience of Himself for His Bride, by only revealing Himself whilst drawing or listening to music.
It is true that Yahusha visits us especially in our older age, through many forms. He also wants us to seek him out and know what these overwhelming feelings are. Why it is Yahusha visiting us with His love.
Yahusha loves each and everyone of His creatures and wants us to know Him. It is so great knowing that He is with us every step of the way and always has been, Yahusha will even walk us through to our death.
Sorry to say that in Bill's life, like so many other Australians, he never really got to know the magnificence splendour of his own creator, Bill never passed this knowledge on to the next generations behind him.
I don't think it is too late though, the 3.5 million of us over 65 left in this nation, can not only reach our own generation but those in other nations. Firstly we need a Revolution of Behaviour happening amongst ourselves. This Revolution must come through our personal behaviour by reading, adopting and being obedient to the Turah (Torah). I like the BYNV translation which you can get from Amazon, it is the latest research and will bring you up to date with what Yahusha is doing in the world and will also help with our physical and mental health.
Brothers & Sisters if you don't want to hang around being miserable until you die, start off by reading the articles on our facebook site called Behaviour Revolution, there are over 400 articles we have that will strengthen every part of your being and give you a reason for living. Tell your family you were wrong and that you have found the truth you always wanted to tell them and pass the baton onto your family. The only other choice is to die like Bill without knowing the Master.

By Chris Hilton . . .