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Patient Endurance with Expectation.

In the Turah, patient behaviour is the RESULT of a trust and belief in Yahusha's Words and only by choosing to live this behaviour are we able to ENDURE with expectation. Infact the hebrew meaning of PATIENCE is “to scrutinize; (by watching) to expect (with hope and patience): hope, tarry, view, wait”. The english explanation uses words like `equilibrium, self-restraint, calmness, kindness, understanding, self-control - the capacity to accept or tolerate delay, problems, or suffering without becoming annoyed or anxious”. Trusting Yahusha in everything and for everything is key to our quiet, personal patience, no matter what whirlwind of drama or accusations or hatred we may encounter on our path. He wants His special Bride to be looking at Him always, besotted with His loving gaze and willing to focus on Him no matter how rough the storms of life seem to be - they will prove their love and devotion by staying true and loyal in thought and behaviour. JAMES 1:2 - ROMANS 5:3 - ROMANS 8:24 "My brothers, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that THE PROVING OF YOUR BELIEF WORKS ENDURANCE. And let endurance have a perfect work, so that you be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing. And not only this, but we also exult in pressures, knowing that PRESSURE WORKS ENDURANCE, and endurance, approvedness; and approvedness, expectation. And EXPECTATION DOES NOT DISAPPOINT, because the love of Yahuah has been poured out in our hearts by the Ruach ha’Qodesh which was given to us. For in this expectation we were delivered, but expectation that is seen is not expectation, for when anyone sees, does he expect it? And if we expect what we do not see, WE EAGERLY WAIT for it with endurance". If we begin practising this behaviour of patiently trusting our Master Yahusha, we are STRENGTHENING OUR CHARACTER, building one step in front of the other on the strong foundation of Turah, addressing (or dismissing) one thought at a time and only holding fast to what Yahusha promises us as true - and THIS IS WHAT ENDURANCE IS: "to overcome, have power, prevail (win), be still, suffer, to remain, settle down (calm), abide, tarry(work)” (until He returns)". Often in a windstorm or a cyclone our ability (or choice) to simply STAND STILL AND NOT FALL OVER, not stumble, not faint (even if no apparent progress or steps forward appear to be made) is what will allow us to start walking again, (continue running the race), once the storms have passed, drawing on all the strength from the strong roots of Turah beneath us in order to not be blown away or overwhelmed and deny our Master. In almost every text that speaks of PATIENCE and ENDURANCE we are also told about EXPECTATION, ‘our hope for what is to come’ which is Yahusha Himself, Who (according to the chain of events listed in Scripture) could arrive at any moment - to judge this world with fire, cleanse it of all it’s filth and mockery of Him, reclaim His beautiful Bride (the apple of His eye) from the four corners of the world and restore this earth to it’s former esteem and beauty - and there will be a grand marriage supper and the descending of a New Yerushalayim involved as well. Anyone who has been immersed into the Name of Yahusha has entered a new commonwealth and are citizens not of this world but of the Reign to come (a reign and King Who is enthroned on our hearts through the Ruach of Yahusha Himself) so while we try our best to keeps our heads down, work hard, obey the laws of the land, pay our taxes etc - walking incognito daily among the walking dead drones of mankind, we know WE ARE NOT OF THIS WORLD, we answer to a different Master with a different standard of behaviour and WE HOLD TO A HIGHER CALLING and purpose than just merely surviving - we are driven by a hunger and thirst for our Master’s acceptance, attention and love. Just as a Bride is for her Bridegroom. The growth and working of patient endurance is not done by big, loud words or grand gestures, it is a DEEP INNER WORKING RELATIONSHIP with Yahusha through His Ruach, close and personalised - wrestling, chastising, reasoning, suffering and working though the PROCESS OF DELIVERANCE until we are completely familiarised with His voice and completely surrendered to Him. Turah tell us that WORRY IS A SIN - trying to solve the intrigues, problems and evils that may come tomorrow is unnecessary to a Bride who knows that Yahusha controls tomorrow and she is waiting and watching, hungry and ready. So let’s TRUST HIM AND BE PATIENT - because when has He ever let us down? WE CAN'T BE IN A MAD HURRY ABOUT ANYTHING in Yahusha's Reign, because that's not patiently WAITING and ENDURING - that's jumping back into the driver's seat, thinking we know better and can do better than Yahusha ("if you want something done, gotta do it yourself" - worldly cliches') - OUR PLANS AND SCHEMES NEVER WORK, we are not truly in control of anything actually - and when this once again becomes apparent we just get frustrated, angry and our behaviour then changes, causing us pain. However if we calm down, get our lives in routine and order and WAIT PATIENTLY FOR YAHUSHA TO MOVE IN SITUATIONS, then we shall ENDURE UNTIL THE END and see some truly phenomenal events unfold. REV 3:10 - REV 14:12 "Because you have guarded My Word of endurance, I also shall guard you from the hour of trial which shall come upon all the world, to try those who dwell on the earth. See, I am coming speedily! Hold what you have that no one take your crown. He who overcomes, I shall make him a supporting post in the dwelling of My Yahuah, and he shall by no means go out. And I shall write on him the Name of My Yahuah and the name of the city of My Yahuah, the renewed Yerushalayim. HERE IS THE ENDURANCE of the set-apart ones, here are those guarding the commands of Yahuah and the belief of Yahusha". By Mark Davidson . . .


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