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Language Of Love.


1 KORINTHIANS 13:1 Tells us that there are (tongues) languages of men as well as tongues of (messengers) Angels. This is quite a profound statement when we meditate on this verse.

What would the languages (tongues) of Messengers be like? Maybe they are the pure version of each language, nation, that those Angels are guarding. Or maybe they have their own heavenly language. Never the less we are told that if we do not have love it's useless having the ability to speak all these languages!

I would definitely say that love is it's own language and because the devil hates the language of love, he is trying to destroy all meaning of the fruit of righteousness for the Chosen Bride. Obviously we can see that the language of love is a behaviour.

This language can only be learnt on a spiritual level, which means we must become a citizen of Mount Tsion from the city of the living Yahuah, the heavenly Yerushalyim (IBRIM/Heb12:22). This is achieved through repentance and immersion to receive the infilling of his Ruach (spirit) making us a spiritual entity able to communicate with our Saviour.

Remember the devil has been pilfering every language on earth to create confusion, but Yahusha has hidden the spiritual language on the other side of immersion. To attain the knowledge and wisdom of this hidden language we must first past "THE TEST" of Heb 12:1-11 and be trained by Yahuah himself who will flog us discipline and chastise us into spiritually correct behaviour, bearing the fruit of righteousness. If we refuse to endure this test we are treated as illegitimate and not sons.

We learn as we go by applying the context of Scripture, as we walk on this earth, (the 2 rules of context is explained on Behaviour Revolution) - no context - no heavenly language.

Reading Scripture and memorising verses is not speaking the language of the heavenly context i.e. LOVE. Speaking the Scripture without the spirit of tested love is an abomination. This type of language is not the heavenly language but what we call religion.

By Chris Hilton . . .

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