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Hi brother Shodan, we're really enjoying your articles. In your last video on Daniel’s 70 Week Prophecy, you mentioned the time-frame of Yahusha's return as being 3.5 years (spiritually). What does that mean to you and the difference between real time? Many thanks, love Victoria ...


3.5 x 360 (lunar days) = 1260 days which is the middle of the New Covenant Week when the sacrifice and oblations ceases and the Two Witnesses are killed as it says their dead bodies lie on the street for 3.5 (1260 days) and spiritually the place is called Sodom or Egypt where also our Master was impaled. So it’s talking about Yerushalayim. The separation of the wheat and the tares happen here at 1290 when the elect seed of Abraham see the abomination of desolation and follow his footsteps to stay aloof from the Carnal Shemitah and transition to the Day of Yahusha. We are close but as I said we can’t pin-point literal days as THE SHEMITAH HAS TRANSFORMED INTO THE SPIRITUAL AND IS KEPT BY YAHUSHA OUR ALAHYM HIMSELF WHO IS THE ATTENDANT OF THE SPIRITUAL SHEMITAH IN HIS OWN BODY AS THE HIGH PRIEST AFTER THE ORDER OF MALCHITSEDEQ. I am eager to know the date of His coming just as you are Sister, but it’s not yet revealed as to just when. Only the signs of times we can see.


Ohhh that is a wonderful explanation brother and makes it very clear. The preparation to be ready is more important now than ever. Thank you so much. I’m sorry l didn’t understand completely, so could you help me out…WHAT’S THE DIFFERENCE IN TIME OF A SPIRITUAL YEAR AND A NORMAL YEAR? ... Many thanks ...


The Daniel Ch.9 (7 x 7 = 49 years + 1 jubilee) from 457 BC (when Artaxerxes gave decree to restore the rule back to Yahudah) is literal bringing us to 407BC And from 406 BC we see 62 x 7 = 434 years (which lands us to to 28AD) ... but when switching from BC to AD there is no year Zero so 29AD is the year end of the Jubilee when Yahusha made a proclamation of the Acceptable Year of Yahuah (Daniel 9:25). Restore/ שוב (shub) and build / בנה (banah) Yerushalayim until Messiah the Prince is seven weeks and sixty-two weeks. These are literal weeks of years out of the 490 years 49+ 434 = 483 years (457 BC to 29 AD).

The `New Testament Week' is a transition from the physical to a spiritual Shemitah (cycle of 7's) so here we cannot map these as literal 7 years as the 2 witnesses Torah and Prophet's witness is killed in the midst of the week ie. 3.5 (360 x 3.5 = 1260 days). This is the middle of the week when the Abrahamic Covenant is understood as Lazarus (Alazar: Alahym helped) is carried to Abraham’s bosom whereas the Rich man (Carnal Yasharal clothed in purple) is carried to the wrath of Alahym . (Parable of Rich man and Lazarus) The reason the 'New Testament Week' is untraceable in timelines is because all the 12 Tribes have lost their ethnicity in the dispersion into the nations and the Spiritual Shemitah is only kept by Yahusha Who is also our High Priest. This is the best explanation I can give of what I touched-base on Sister.


So does that mean by the signs in the world that the transitioning of the Bride into the wilderness has started?


Mat 24:15  “So when you see the ’abomination that lays waste,spoken of by Dani’ěl the prophet, set up in the set-apart place” – he who reads, let him understand... then let those who are in Yehuḏah flee to the mountains". The Olivet discourse was on one of the mountains of Mount Moriah where Abraham went to sacrifice Yitshaq. The Ram was offered in his place and that’s where the mountains Yahusha tells us to flee to. Are you able to see the Abomination of Desolation spoken by Daniel the prophet? Then we are into that transitioning period of 1260 to 1335 days because the Two Witnesses (representing the Torah and the Prophets) are killed right in the middle of the week (1260) and it's said that "their dead bodies will be lying in the street called Sodom and Egypt where also our Master is impaled". It says they are revived after this 3.5 (3.5 x 360 = 1260) and they ASCENDED INTO HEAVEN (which is an imagery of transitioning into Yahusha completely, and having been found in Him).

The Greek word translated as days is the word hemera G2250 which also means years or age.

Rev 11:11  "And after the three and a half days/hemera G2250 a spirit of life from Elohim entered into them, and they stood upon their feet, and great fear fell on those who saw them. Rev 11:12  And they heard a loud voice from the heaven saying to them, “Come up here.” And they went up into the heaven in a cloud, and their enemies saw them". The Spirit of Life quickens the opening of eyes to see the Abomination of Desolation and that’s why Mashiyach also says in ... Matthew 24:15 “Let him who reads understand “ The words in Hebrew is haqara הקרא bayan בין where qara in Hebrew actually means ‘to be called’ and bayan means 'know/understand'. So when Yahusha said “Let the called understand “ all will not know or see it. I see it unfolding right before my eyes.


Thank you Shodan for the information.. a great answer and we are so happy you can see this as well. One more question, if you don’t mind… there are a few examples of THE ABOMINATION OF DESOLATION in Scripture. We always thought that it was Satan throned in the hearts and minds of men and woman, which is the considered the Temple… (our body’s are the temple where Yahusha is seated in our hearts). Regarding the Two Witnesses (as you say are the Torah and the Prophets), how can they be killed and rise up after 3 days? We just can’t understand what you’re saying? Sorry about our confusion, if you could answer WHO THE TWO WITNESSES ARE? ... we would be most grateful. All our love.


The Transference of Powers in the Transition into Mashiyach. The Torah commands and the Prophecies all roll over into a fulfilment vs typology. Shatan is a mass deceiver and changed the times, laws, twisted Torah and prophecies which worked to our advantage as the carnal falls and we fall and rise. We were all occupied in the Carnal Torah (some way or the other) by copying the customs and carnality of the Assemblies ... The Royal Laws vs Ten Commandments. How did we know? ... Eyes opened!

But in the past we were held captive by the 613 literal Commandments and saw them as the goal. The goal post was a paradigm shift where we saw typology vs transitions into Mashiyach in the fulfilment. The Two Witnesses is the typology-testimony coming to an end! And where does the testimony come from? The Torah and the Prophets!


Excellent, so would you say in transitioning ... would we be taking on the New Behaviour of the Fruits of Righteousness through the Two Royal Laws preparing ourselves as the Bride, preparing to be ready as His Bride through this New & Living Behaviour. In other words, a complete metamorphosis of changed behaviour from Typology to Deliverance?


Absolutely and the picture is of the wise virgins with the oil/shemen שמן that never runs out while the foolish virgins have the typology oil/shemen.


My husband wants to thank you so much. We’ve been talking to you together and have really enjoyed the conversation. CHRISTOPHER said, "it’s wonderful how we can combine these expressions together in agreement and most importantly in unity. We need to stand together no matter what comes at us. It’s great to have a brother strong in the belief".

My husband asked if you could explain who Yisharal/Yasharal is today and where she stands as far as transitioning goes?


I am currently at work but will explain more this weekend ...


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