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4557 micpar mis-pawr' from 5608; a number, definite (arithmetical) or indefinite (large, innumerable; small, a few); also (abstractly) narration:--+ abundance, account, X all, X few, (in-)finite, (certain) number(-ed), tale, telling, + time. 4971 mathkoneth math-ko'-neth or mathkuneth {math-koo'-neth}; from 8505 in the transferred sense of measuring; proportion (in size, number or ingredients):--composition, measure, state, tale. 7270 ragal raw-gal' a primitive root; to walk along; but only in specifically, applications, to reconnoiter, to be a tale-bearer (i.e. slander); also (as denominative from 7272) to lead about:--backbite, search, slander, (e-)spy (out), teach to go, view.

SCRIPTURE UNDERSTANDING:- TALEBEARER. noun. Idle, often sensational and groundless talk about others: gossip, gossipry, hearsay, report, rumor, tattle, tittle-tattle, word. Slang: scuttlebutt.

Prov 26:20 For the lack of wood, the fire goes out. And without a slanderer, strife ceases.

Prov 20:19 He who goes about as a slanderer reveals secrets; Therefore do not associate with him who speaks smoothly with his lips.

BOUNDLESS NARRATION:- noun. Idle, often sensational and groundless talk about others: gossip, gossipry, hearsay, report, rumor, tattle, tittle-tattle, word. Slang: scuttlebutt.

Some people just don't know how to quieten their spirit, it is called "Self Control," and it is one of the fruits of the spirit of Yahusha, which we can call on at any time, and apply to our tongue. People wonder why they are having difficulties in their lives today, and it is mostly caused by their own tongues. Incorrect speech is a venom from the snake that whenever used spreads poison through our bodies. that devours us from the inside out. It is all written in Turah how Yahusha wants us to speak and behave towards each other, if you don't know how to.......You should by now, and have it under control through spiritual application.

Most people today have a head knowledge filled with "TALES or STORIES, as we call them." When you talk to a tradesman or even anyone today, you are bound to encounter the many STORIES that surround their life experiences. Their minds are so used to spewing this knowledge all over us, and they can't stop themselves, unless someone breaks in and offers another alternative. Even then the tradesman etc, takes offence which is another emotion you have to deal with on top of the stories.

Obviously, we are told by Turah this behaviour is sin, Brothers and sisters it is time to "PUT OUT THE FIRE," AND COMMUNICATE WITH LOVE AND UNDERSTANDING.


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