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Isaiah 43:18-19 New International Version

“Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. 19 See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.

HEBREWS 6:1-3 Therefore having left the word of the beginning of Mashiak (FIRST PRINCIPLES). Let us go on to perfection, not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead works, and of belief toward Yahuah, of the teachings of immersions, and of laying on of hands, and of resurrection of the dead, and of everlasting judgement. And this we shall do, if Yahuah indeed permits.

Today! we need to know our Torah, and Hebrew History, so we can have eyes to see and ears to hear. Man made religion has added and subtracted from and to scripture, to capture and deceive believers. Yahusha said, “See, I am doing a NEW THING!” The New Thing is to leave the First Principles behind, and then go on to Perfection/Maturity, able to endure this world, and serve Yahusha in exploits. The Feasts of Israel have become a huge block in the mindset of believers. The Feasts have for centuries been part of the fabric of the mindset of the Hebrews so they, (The Feasts), when we learn them, are part of the First Principles. Each Feast has descriptions of what to do, (behaviours), that were to be followed. Messiah told us that they were shadow teachings which all pointed to His first and second advents, when Messiah was here His behaviour revealed himself to the Hebrews, and they knew Him. Messiah’s presence revealed He had qualified according to prophecy, to fulfil the first 2 Feasts, and the 3rd would be His second advent.

Once we understand the meaning of the shadow Teachings of the Feasts (which is not difficult), we too can know Him and understand our deliverance/salvation. All worship and praise in the Feasts should be pointed to Messiah’s presence, the way to do this is to celebrate with good wine and food, and lots of Messiah’s love for everyone.

Doing the Feasts the way the Jews are telling everyone is to omit Messiah’s presence, and focus on cancelled laws and traditions that are dead. Why would you worship shadow traditions instead of Master Messiah’s wonderful presence among us, for He is alive especially today on earth.

The Feasts of Israel are exactly that, They are not the Feasts of New Yisharal. The old bride is divorced, for she cannot see the bridegroom, she rejects Him, and does not have His presence. New Yisharal has moved on past the First Principles while The Jewish mixed shadow religion is hoaring herself globally, and her Feasts have all the components of Christmas revisited. Be wise to yourself and don’t be deceived by Carpetbaggers who stand in the doorway, not wanting you to enter. Belief in Messiah is what makes them move aside.


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