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Search results for "fragile": 8406 tbar teb-ar' (Aramaic) corresponding to 7665; to be fragile (figuratively):--broken.

Search results for "7665": 4866 mishber mish-bare' from 7665; the orifice of the womb (from which the fetus breaks forth):--birth, breaking forth.

4867 mishbar mish-bawr' from 7665; a breaker (of the sea):--billow, wave.

7665 shabar shaw-bar' a primitive root; to burst (literally or figuratively):--break (down, off, in pieces, up), broken((-hearted)), bring to the birth, crush, destroy, hurt, quench, X quite, tear, view (by mistake for 7663).

7667 sheber sheh'-ber or sheber {shay'-ber}; from 7665; a fracture, figuratively, ruin; specifically, a solution (of a dream):--affliction, breach, breaking, broken(-footed, -handed), bruise, crashing, destruction, hurt, interpretation, vexation.

7670 shibrown shib-rone' from 7665; rupture, i.e. a pang; figuratively, ruin:--breaking, destruction.

8406 tbar teb-ar' (Aramaic) corresponding to 7665; to be fragile (figuratively):--broken.

SCRIPTURE UNDERSTANDING: 2 Cor 4:6-11 For Yahuah, who said, ”Let light shine out of darkness,” is the One who has shone in our hearts for the enlightening of knowledge of the esteem of Yahuah in the face of Yahusha Messiah. And we have this treasure in (FRAGILE) earthen vessels, so that the excellence of power might be of Yahuah, and not for us. Being hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; being perplexed, but not in despair; being persecuted, but not forsaken; being thrown down, but not destroyed; always bearing about in the body the dying of the Master Yahusha, that the life of Yahusha might be manifested in our body. For we, the living, are always delivered to death for the sake of Yahusha, that the life of Yahusha might also be manifested in our mortal flesh.

FRAGILE in the Hebrew means to be broken. A fuller understanding is in:-7667 sheber sheh'-ber or sheber {shay'-ber}; from 7665; a fracture, figuratively, ruin; specifically, a solution (of a dream):--affliction, breach, breaking, broken(-footed, -handed), bruise, crashing, destruction, hurt, interpretation, vexation.

This process begins from our immersion and is the beginning of our metamorphosis when Yahusha replaces our original spirit with a new and clean spirit, He also replaces our old stoney hearts with a new heart. This, then, makes our temple (body) clean, so that Yahusha can come and dwell (live or sup with us).

This process is similar to the setting up of Moses’s Tabernacle, and also the Tent of David, as well as Solomons Temple. They all had to be cleansed before Yahuah could enter them, so that Yahuah could deliver the correct Instructions of Behaviour He wanted them to live by.

Yahusha instructed us to live by His words and guard them within our hearts. He also said He would write His laws and precepts there.

As we grow accustomed to this new indwelling and start to metamorphose, Yahusha reveals to us the habbits in our flesh that need to be changed (Hebrews 12:5-11), if we refuse discipline we will no longer be treated as sons, because we have not passed His test set before us. This is how Yahusha chooses His bride, if they are willing to be broken.

The scripture above describes the life of the believer and what they go through in order to shine for Him. Don’t be fooled Brothers and Sisters, if these truths are not being preached to you, you are probably being deceived.


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