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Search results for "gathering":. 3349 yiqqahah yik-kaw-haw' from the same as 3348; obedience: -gathering, to obey.

Search results for "gathered": 614 'aciyph aw-seef' or maciph {aw-seef'}; from 622; gathered, i.e. (abstractly) a gathering in of crops:--ingathering. 628 'acpcuph as-pes-oof' by reduplication from 624; gathered up together, i.e. a promiscuous assemblage (of people):--mixt multitude.

SCRIPTURE UNDERSTANDING:- Matt 18:20 "For where 2 or 3 are gathered together in My Name, there I am in their midst."

Rev 3:7-8. "He who is set-apart, He who is true, He who has the key of David, He who opens and no one shuts, and shuts and no one opens, says this: See I have set before you an open door, and no one is able to shut it, because you have guarded My word and not denied My Name."

Yahusha makes promises to us, Do you think He would break them, or do you know a different Yahusha ?

Yahusha has opened to us/believers, a door, into His presence where we can communicate with and experience Him. Of course as the Hebrew says, we need to be obedient as in Acts 2:38, before we can experience Him in His fulness. In our gatherings we have no need of being taught, because the spirit of our immersion will teach us all things, making all men and women equal, bringing them to the one mind.

As we gather together,Yahusha has promised to be in our midst. When people are gathered in His name there are multiple things that happen within folks in His presence. Wherever Yahusha went miracles happened, folks were healed from every sickness, depression vanished into the pit, people were given sight that were blind. And demons were cast out of children and adults, so they came to their sences.

If you want something from Yahusha according to your obedience and belief in a gathering, it is truely possible. We are seeing amazing things happening from our gatherings which are videoed. We have been told people can feel the anointing while watching the video. We gather every Shabath evening after sunset for a session with Yahusha who is always in our midst.


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